The film follows the travels and accounts of Mark Chapman (Jonas Ball) and gives the viewer an insight into his insanity. It starts with him living in Hawaii and how he does fails to fit in with anyone including his job, family, friends. He says he is searching for a purpose in his life and that it has no direction.
This film is a snapshot of a way of life that is slowly disappearing in Samburu, Kenya. Every generation a group of boys must undergo a series of rituals in order to become a Maasai warrior, the pinnacle of their lives, a rite of passage. Included in these time-honoured ceremonies is circumcision.
The Real Eve
The made-for-cable documentary film The Real Eve is predicated on the theory that the human race can be traced to a common ancestor. The mitochondrial DNA of one prehistoric woman, who lived in Africa, has according to this theory been passed down from generation to generation over a span of 150,000 years, supplying the “chemical energy” to all humankind.
Shore Leave
Born in Bermuda in 1917, Earl Cameron has been for more than sixty years a widely respected actor. His career spanning a range of British cinema from his 1950 film debut in the Ealing Studios production “Pool of London,” now recognized as a British neo-realist classic, to his most recent appearance in Christopher Nolan’s “Inception.” However Earl’s life is far more than a mere list of credits.
The Dinosaur Hunters
In 1922, American paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews led an archeological expedition into Mongolia’s Gobi Desert and uncovered one of the richest dinosaur graveyards in the world. Political conflicts forced him to leave before he had even scratched the surface of the treasure below.